Expert Witness in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

Dr. Bahreman’s is an expert on the subject of medical legal neurology with a special focus on traumatic brain injury (TBI). As an expert witness or treating physician, Dr. Bahreman has offered a large variety of medical-legal services to plaintiff and defense attorneys regarding TBI, spine injury and other focal neurological deficits resulted from injuries.

In 2017, he testified in a class-action lawsuit against Bristol Myers and their drug Plavix®. He currently performs and offers a variety of neurological studies that are commonly used in medical legal cases including:

  • Electromyography and Nerve conduction study
  • Routine EEG (Electroencephalogram)
  • Quantitative EEG with focus on traumatic brain injury
  • VNG (videonystagmography)
    Posturography and balance evaluation
  • Computerized online neuropsychological assessment

Medical-Legal Services

Medical-legal cases require immediate evaluation and documentation given the sensitivity of cases and potential litigation. Our professional team and coordinators will arrange the initial visit and evaluation in 3-5 business days after receiving the referrals. Our close relationship with a team and network of medical providers and experts in the legal field expedites the patient’s care and legal process significantly.  

Our comprehensive and detailed report by itemizing the issues under ICD-10 codes has been helpful to reflect the extent of the injuries.

Please contact the Neurological & Pain Institute at 619-460-5850 to request a consultation by Dr. Amir Bahreman.

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